If you own your home why not own your electricity also? California is known for its sunshine so let that abundant natural resource work for you by installing a panel system from Golden State Solar. Solar panels absorb the energy produced by the sun and converts it to electricity for you to use. A solar panel system is your very own personal power plant that just so happen to run on free fuel.


  • Sunlight hits the solar panels where photovoltaic (PV) cells convert it to direct current (DC) electricity.
  • The current flows to the inverter which converts DC to alternative current (AC) electricity for use in the home.
  • The electric panel sends power to your home’s lights and appliances.
  • Unused electricity flows back to the grid through the utility meter resulting in a credit on your utility bill.


Reducing your dependency on traditional methods of electricity production leaves a positive lasting impact on the environment. A typical residential solar panel system can help to eliminate three to four tons of carb emissions each year. That equates to saving over a hundred trees annually. Now that is something worth leaving for generations to come.


Going solar is not only great for the environment but also for your bank account. Thanks to local clean energy incentives and federal tax credits, going solar is now more affordable than ever.

Golden State Solar offers solutions for every budget.

solar purchase icon


System Owner: You

  • Buy solar panels outright, and get immediate monthly savings.
  • See immediate monthly savings on your power bill, not to mention tax credits and incentives.
  • Average savings up to 20% off your monthly electric bill.
solar loan icon


System Owner: You

  • Own your solar panels with an affordable monthly payment.
  • Choose from multiple loan term options, and earn tax credits and incentives along the way.
  • Average savings up to 20% off your monthly electric bill.